The truth you need to know about diabetes in China
Release date:2020-01-08

A number of Chinese media published articles on the recent UN diabetes day (November 14) to remind people of the importance of diabetes.
Chinese media report that the prevalence of diabetes in China is rising rapidly and is becoming younger.
The prevalence rate of diabetes among Chinese adults has reached 11.6 percent, affecting more than 114 million people, according to the latest statistics from the national health and fitness commission cited by China central television.
For a long time, some Chinese people have been under the illusion that diabetes is the so-called "disease of affluence" and the severity of the disease is poorly understood.
The lack of awareness about diabetes is all the more worrying.Because the harm of diabetes mainly lies in the complications.
The characteristics of diabetes in China also lie in its low treatment rate, accounting for only 25.8%, which leads to a high incidence of complications and seriously affects the quality of life of patients.

How do you deal with the relentless onslaught of diabetes?
Etiology of diabetes
Let's start with a quick overview of diabetes.Diabetes is a lifelong disease that kills more than one million people every year.
In general, diabetes is caused by uncontrolled blood sugar in the body.Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and amputation.
When we eat, our bodies convert the carbohydrates we eat into sugar (glucose).The insulin produced in our pancreas directs cells in the body to absorb this glucose and convert it into energy.But if the pancreas can't produce insulin or doesn't work properly despite having it, blood sugar builds up in the bloodstream, forming diabetes.According to the world health organization, diabetes is on the rise.The number of people with diabetes is conservatively estimated at about 422 million, a fourfold increase from 40 years ago.
Despite the serious risk of diabetes complications, about half of people with diabetes are still unaware of it.
Diabetic type
Traditionally, diabetes can be divided into two broad categories: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.But as awareness of the disease grows, researchers say diabetes can be divided into five different disease groups.
Other experts say there are 500 subgroups that can be subdivided worldwide, depending on genetics and local environmental factors.
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin, allowing glucose to accumulate in the body.Scientists don't know exactly why this happens, but think it may have something to do with genetic or viral infections that damage insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 10 percent of diabetics.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin, or insulin not working efficiently.
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It usually affects middle-aged and older people.But obese, sedentary young people also tend to develop type 2 diabetes.
In addition, some ethnic minorities, such as south asians, and some pregnant women (gestational diabetes) are also affected.
Diabetic symptoms
There is also a group of people diagnosed with pre-diabetes.Their blood sugar is slightly elevated, which can lead to diabetes over time.
The main symptoms of diabetes are:
Thirsty, frequent urination, especially at night, feel very tired, did not deliberately reduce weight but weight loss, blurred vision, wound is not easy to heal.
In addition to south asians, Chinese, African Caribbean and others are at risk for type 2 diabetes.
How to prevent diabetes
Although diabetes is linked to genetic and environmental factors, you can keep your blood sugar levels at normal levels by eating a healthy diet and exercising.
For example, try to avoid processed sweets and carbonated drinks.Use whole grains instead of white bread and pasta.
White rice, white flour and other processed foods are bad because their nutrients are lost during processing.
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A healthy diet includes vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains, as well as healthy oils and omega-3 rich fish.
Additional, have a meal to also have exquisite: have a meal had better be regular, eat full don't eat again.
Exercise helps lower blood sugar.The NHS recommends 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise a week, including brisk walking and stair climbing.
Maintaining a healthy weight will help your body lower blood sugar.And, if need to reduce weight, must pay attention to speed, reduce every week to 2 catties had better.
Don't smoke and watch your cholesterol levels to reduce your risk of heart disease.
Diabetic complication
Diabetes complications are dangerous because high blood sugar can severely damage blood vessels, which can affect the blood supply to the body.
Poor blood supply increases the risk of nerve damage.For example, nerve damage can cause pain loss and numbness, especially in nerve endings.
Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, amputation, kidney failure, stroke and heart disease.
Globally, 80% of people with diabetes live in low - and middle-income countries.
In the developed world, diabetes is mainly associated with poverty and eating cheap, processed food.So if you change your lifestyle you reduce your risk.